Monday, July 4, 2011

The Wonderful News

I haven't posted for a while, alot of excitement has been happening around me. I knew I couldn't keep it a secret forever but it was important to tell the right people first, especially when I got to see their reactions.

My husband and I are expecting our first child!!!!!

Breathtaking yes? The first few weeks were/are tough. I feel like I have the longest running flu, feeling ill and tired throughout most of the day, sleeping like a cat and just as picky about food. 

The story started the day before Fanime, but stomach queasy and churning and I shrugged it off as nerves since I received my first shiny copy of LoK Issue Zero in the mail. It was also the largest convention to date so to say I was a bit edgy was an understatement. We attended the convention without difficulty, even when I had to pull all my art down four city blocks without a single soul stopping to help me until after I got into the convention center but I felt fine. Everything normal. But when we got back from our fun adventures of cosplaying, shopping and partying something was missing...hmmmm. I went with my dear friend to the store, got the test and confirmed it. Boy was I surprised! I was so surprised, we bought a second test...just to be sure. But again, no waiting- clear results. The next few weeks were spent tired and queasy but attending school. I had (conveniently) enrolled into Child Development, thinking it would be good to have some teaching classes under my belt. The class has become more of pregnancy counseling class for me so that's great timing.

We had our first prenatal appointment on Tuesday, I saw my baby on the screen for the first time, no bigger than the size of a peanut, so the nickname stuck. I got to hear Peanut's heartbeat, such simple a flutter of sound but brought complex emotions to the surface that I could not contain. My dear friends watched as I wept with joy. They estimate that I am due in late January sometime.

With that being said, aside from physical discomfort, life is returning back to normal which brings me to my next topic, my comic.

I am very proud to report that Lucilia is almost halfway sold out. I am hoping to sell a few more pre-orders, before I am comfortable with placing an order out of my own pocket. During Fanime, a few colleagues and I discussed ways to improve LoK for the future. There has been a delay in the production of the comic due to some unforeseen complications, and steps are being taken to push forward with the printing processes. Unfortunately, I am unsure as to whether multiple copies will premiere at Sac Anime September 2011 but I will try my best to work with the printers to do so. I am still taking pre-orders for the comic, here is the link to the prior post with the details: 

In the meantime, I continue to work on my small backlog of commissions, and some forward momentum on Issue One, here is a treat for your eye balls, more progress on the last page I was working on:

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